Superb Fairywren

One of our favourite garden birds, the Superb Fairywren (Malurus cyaneus) also known as the Blue Wren, is particularly superb at the moment. The male in breeding plumage is a heavenly sight!

Superb Fairywren

Superb Fairywren

He guards his female(s) with constant attention, taking them to the best places in the garden and watching as they catch insects. Constant small calls keep the birds together. Apparently Fairywrens are monogamous in forming a pairbond, but sexually polygamous by having a bit on the side (sounds like a widely-used plan)!

Male and female Superb Fairywrens on the vegetable garden fence

Male and female Superb Fairywrens on the vegetable garden fence

Now you see him with his female, who shows no blue plumage at all. The male becomes brown all over, with perhaps small traces of blue, when not breeding, so the wrens look like a group of small brown birds as they hop and fly through the garden feeding on insects and seeds. These very small birds are a constant delight, I love to hear their sharp ‘chit’ calls and watch their delicate progress. They seems to radiate love and beauty as they pass!

47 thoughts on “Superb Fairywren

  1. Magnificent photos!! And I love the information on the birds too! Thanks for sharing. I just went to an aviary in Ontario – have posted a photo and will soon post some more. It was tough capturing birds – I’m curious to know which camera/lens you used to get such a clear, close shot?

    • my camera is a superzoom … that is a small digital camera with a built-in telephoto lens … i use a Canon PowerShot SX50 HS … it is light and small enough to carry easily yet has a powerful zoom for capturing birds 🙂

    • one of the wonderful things about blogging is seeing the creatures from around the world … i love to see the cardinals and hawks and bluejays you have over there 🙂

      • Yes they are my favorites. When we see a cardinal we are supposed to make a wish before they fly away, with a robin it signals spring isn’t far off and the blue jay is just beautiful and if you have them in your neighborhood it means that you don’t have the West Nile virus around because the blue jay is extremely susceptible to that virus and die.

  2. Dear things! I’ll never forget them teasing Mum’s cat. She, the great snake hunter, was terrorised by the wrens, who greatly admired her beautiful brown fur for their nests and would dive bomb her as she dozed in the early spring sunshine!

    • seizing the moment! husb is always calling out “bring your camera” so i rush about and usually arrive when the thing has moved on .. but this time i was watching, it was perfect 🙂

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