22 thoughts on “WPC: Contrast

    • I would take the modernist house Meg, our Cornish friends once lived there, it is quite famous and heritage listed and rather nice …. that us how we saw it, a little detour on our drive πŸ™‚

  1. you’ve captured a threesome contrast – although for a long time my eye rested only on the deco lines p.s. you did not link to the WordPress photo theme nor put postaday tag for a pingback (?deliberate)

  2. Glad you’re home safe and sound, and hopefully recovering from the dreaded Paris flu. Excellent ‘contrast’, give me the old house any day.

  3. Interesting to read the comments on which house people prefer! I would favor the older house. I say this knowing how many projects are yet to be completed in our own 100 year old house, which is most likely much newer than the old house pictured here!

    • older houses often have much better spaces than newer homes, we lived in one forty odd years ago with big gracious rooms, it felt luxurious but was on a busy road so we were not there long …. of course some older houses are small, hope yours is a goodie Peter πŸ™‚

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