Tagged H : Harmony

Moruya River Bridge

Moruya River Bridge

Another photo from yesterday and the drive to the airport along the Moruya River….. but the colours were so harmonious I kept it for my H post. Perhaps they are autumn colours, we are starting to notice cooler mornings and evenings, and the grape vines are losing their leaves. The effect here is from the blending of those soft shades, the stillness of the water, the hazy reflections and pleasant interference from the foreground weeds flowering gaily out of reach of the council lawn mowers.

Moruya river looking East from the bridge

Moruya river looking East from the bridge

I went hunting for some other photos I thought I had posted but found the photos and no post, so here is a bonus … more harmonious river pics. In these the harmony comes from the limited palette of dawn colours. I hope you enjoy them.

Moruya River, looking West from the bridge

Moruya River, looking West from the bridge

Frizz has a musical offering today, Hesitation Blues, so do check it out, and the other H entries.tagged

12 thoughts on “Tagged H : Harmony

  1. Yes, save the extra-specials for a separate post. So still, so inviting. Ahh.

    PS Love the current colour of your blog’s background!

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