
male breeding plumage

For as long as I can remember I have wondered about the ‘spiritual’ side of life. My explorations have gone in many directions, but now I am content to do what little I can to bring light and love to those around me.

We live near the sea, surrounded by bushland and beautiful wild beaches. Kangaroos and wallabies graze all around the house, red bellied black snakes hunt the frogs in the dams, water lilies adorn the pond in their season. With my three year old granddaughter I sit and watch dragonflies, while birds dart in out of the thick native flowering shrubs we planted to create a habitat for them. We play hide and seek behind the tree trunks, we laugh and exclaim, a lot!

There are three yoga classes in the Barn at present, my chance to explore presence, being, breath, stillness, movement as I guide each group in gentle yoga. I am always learning, amazed at the wonder of life, the quest for consciousness. My favourite yoga teachers are Donna Farhi and Judith Hansen-Lasater. This year (2013) there are no classes as we free ourselves for travel, and I find time for more stillness, more learning, hoping to return richer, wiser and more awake to some form of yoga in the future.

Blogging has put in contact with an incredible loving community from around the world. Through you all I am constantly learning and laughing, while my posts give me an opportunity to think, observe and investigate, to find beauty and nourishing titbits to share with others. Thanks for joining me here at dadirridreaming!

64 thoughts on “Christine

  1. I love your blog Christine. Needing to find my stillness within now that the mega summer of working with kids is over. It was alot of fun & very high energy!
    I’m looking gorward to a cranio session some time soon
    Love Anna

  2. Lovely blog… I really enjoy your stories and photos. Thanks for visiting my blog and your nice compliment. I’m glad we discovered each other. Now, I have another wonderful blog to learn from. 🙂

  3. I love your blog Christine! And your curiousity about the spiritual side of life resonates with me, and I totally “get” your idea of just wanting to share goodness with other people. Me too. 🙂 Keep writing.

  4. Hi Christine,

    Beautiful pictures on your site. I enjoyed discovering your Australia and other world trips!
    I look forward to hearing from you.


    • hi swallow … thank you for your comment, glad you enjoyed seeing the beach etc …. i do not have your email address but hope you get this reply! Christine xx

  5. I’m taking some time this quiet afternoon to meander through the blogging world and read other writer’s work. I’m so happy my journey brought me here. The writing- and the images on Heartfelt Images- moved me. You’ve created a peaceful- but strongly evocative- place in the blogging universe.

    Thank you.

  6. Hey Christine,

    Would you consider adding a Twitter button to the blog so that I can tweet forward some of your posts? I have a lot of Twitter folks that I know would love your message.



  7. Hi Christine,

    I am a beekeeper and this evening was researching info on St. Gobnait for an upcoming bee club newsletter since her feast day is Feb 11th. I have written a very short piece and then went looking for some images. I came across an amazing photo on Rachel Snyder’s blog that I believe may be your photo of Gobnait’s House and Holy Well. I am writing to ask if the image of the tree with the ribbons and notes, etc is yours, and if I may have your permission to include in the Feb issue of Beelines ( – we are in the US in New York State not Ireland). I loved your piece about love over time…..

    Wishing you many more blessings.

    Bee Blessed, Grai St. Clair Rice

    • Hello Grai

      Of course I would be delighted if you used the photo! We never know why we are where we are, we just do what seems necessary, grace and love flow …. do you a photo of the bees on her monument? Would you like one?

      blessings, Christine xx

      • Wow…. what a blessing! Finding your photos and blog completely changed the feeling of the informational piece I wrote. Thank you so very much. I would love a photo of bees on her monument.

        I was going to give your photo credit as Christine W with the link to your blog… unless you would like your whole name etc.

        Bee Blessed, Grai

        I’m a partner in HoneybeeLives (and founder of the Ulster Beekeeping Association) – HoneybeeLives has a facebook page and website – but no blog yet…. I’m thinking about it.

        • now i am presuming you have bees Grai … i really love them and we have often thought about keeping bees, but there are several very good people nearby, so we buy their honey 🙂 Christine W sounds fine, with a link in case anyone is interested in reading more on St Gobnait 🙂

  8. Thank you so much for really a wonderful blob and you Christine please stop on my blog probably you know all ready about me solo sailing around the world start from Washington in May of 2013 in a SAN JUAN 24-foot sailboat but I am not sure when execly day still I am trying to get more donations in the United States of America will be my a big goal to rounding Cape Horn-South America under the American flag for the first time in all history America no one else’s done yet in SAN JUAN 24-foot sailboat this boat not for the open ocean is not the blue warter sailbout if I am cross Cape Horn will be the world record for the first time in all history. My cellphone is 360-461-9284

    • hi rima, i wish you good luck in your adventure … i live in australia far away! 24 feet sounds like a very small boat, i hope you will stay safe and well, best wishes christine

  9. I am a lapsed yoghini in St. Louis. I don’t have the time or I don’t make the time. I will get back to it. I have fond memories and my body will remember the poses. I love you blog. Following.

  10. Hello, Christine. I am happy to see you joined the Diabetic Redemption readers family. I look forward to having you join the conversation. On my site you will find a Friends Page, where my readers leave information about themselves and their blogs. I hope you will do the same.

    Your home sounds lovely — real peace. I anticipate reading through your archives and learning more about you.

    As far as the didjeridu making, we don’t have the right kinds of trees or the right kind of termites up here in Maine — those materials must be what adds that certain depth to the tones.


    • thanks so much Colline … it is fantastic to see the opposites happening across our poor planet at present, blogging really highlights it for me … drought and fire here, ice and snow there, floods in England and so on …

  11. Presumably you’re in Queensland, Christine ? I was recommended to your site by my lovely Swedish friend Ann-Christine ! Isn’t it an amazing world, this blogosphere ? 🙂 (I’m in Sydney.)

  12. I’ve just enjoyed a browse through your photos. I’m signing up – please note, absolutely no need to reciprocate!!! One can enjoy other people’s pics without them necessarily having the remotest interest in one’s own blogging subject matter… All the best from Rolling Harbour, Abaco, Bahamas

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