
As we drove into Cordoba in the middle of the day we noticed storks circling above the road … not the freeway, we chose to travel on a smaller highway. That meant there was somewhere we could pull over and take a photo! Yay!

After we drove on I snapped this … a nest on every power pole … do you think the authorities have built a platform there for the storks? Don't you love good news like nests with baby birds? I do.


29 thoughts on “Storks

  1. What a fantastic sight and great to see the babies. It does look like a square platform on the first photo, so hats off to the authorities. This is a bird I would dearly love to see in the wild

  2. Yes, I remember seeing these stork nests in Spain. Our guide told us that in order to protect the white storks, and encourage them to breed, conservationists have got together with electricity companies to build nest holders that safely anchor their nests to power poles.

  3. MARVELLOUS !!! What a wonderful sight, all those great birds nesting up on those ugly great things ! Brings a smile to the face, Christine.

  4. Well, you won’t find any Stork’s in England under normal circumstances 😉 These birds migrate across the Mediterranean via the Straits of Gibraltar, italy and Scicily or round via Turkey. I once saw a great TV program about migration which showed the amount of Radar clutter at night caused by their flocks! You literally couldn’t see the planes for the birds – just as well Storks aren’t fitted with transponders and given flight numbers 😉

  5. I’ve had a liking for storks since I read “The Wheel on the School” by Meindert DeJong, about 5 decades ago. I saw storks nesting in a Polish village, but we were whizzing by in someone else’s car. Thank you for these photos.

  6. Can’t wait to be back in ‘Stork land’, Christine 🙂 They are such a common sight in Portugal too.
    Cordoba was my favourite Spanish city. I hope you enjoy it 🙂

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