
Autumn garden; globe artichoke plants, galangal, broccoli, water chestnuts and cress in ponds on right, dandelions and calendula thriving in the corner of a big wicking bed ….

dandelions in the garden

dandelions in the garden

this is what caught my attention this morning, not that I really had time for photos …. but they looked so perfect …

dandelions and calendula

dandelions and calendula

somehow the colours of dandelion and calendula flowers strewn with falling grape leaves create the perfect background for the great fluffy seed heads … and the older one with just a few tiny parachutes left …

asteroid and landing pods?

asteroid and landing pods?

…… looked rather like a space object … no longer in the plant category …

still to fly!

still to fly!

but this one was full of poised parachutes, shifting slightly in the breeze but still holding firm …

up close

up close

and below, another flower attracting bees … I had not noticed the tiny curls amongst the fluted petals … my camera often sees more than I do … stores it away to show me later!

dandelion curls for a busy bee

dandelion curls for a busy bee

Maybe the three year old will be blowing these dandelion clocks while we are away …. sending the seed sailing for new fertile patches where the whole cycle can begin again, and creating more delicious dandelion greens for the garden!

Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)

The flower of survival.

Used in medicine in Ancient Greece and was praised in herbals in the Middle Ages.

Taraxacum is from the Greek word, taraxo, meaning pain or remedy.

The leaves are edible, and may be used in salads, or cooked like spinach.

This plant is highly nutritious, rich in vitamins C and B, and pro-vitamin A,

and minerals potassium and iron.

Dandelion is a spring tonic, it expels toxins, wastes and pollutants through the liver and kidneys,

cleaning the blood. (thanks to Friend Nature for the Dandelion uses info in her timely post today)

19 thoughts on “Dandelion

    • you have been missing out on a delicious leaf … something to add a little of to the salad 🙂 here are some suggestions : The first edible portion appears as a slightly reddish tangle of leaves. The greens grow from these. Dandelion greens are the leaves above the surface. They must be gathered before the plant blooms to be delicious. The best time to gather them is just when the bloom bud appears, before the stalk grows. If you wait too long, they will taste bitter. Eating the leaves after the yellow flowers bloom is like chewing yesterday’s gum.

      To cook dandelion greens, wash them well with water, then place them in a pan and pour boiling water over them. Let them boil for five minutes, then season with salt and butter. Eat them hot. If the taste is too strong, gather the bloom buds and cook them with the leaves to smooth out the taste. This spring, cook up a batch of nutritious, delicious greens for dinner. And you may want to invite your grandma . . . it could bring back some memories for her.

  1. You made me wonder…how many children have picked the common dandelion and presented it with pride to their moms…oh just a random thought brought on by you fine photos. 🙂

  2. I love dandelions. They are such cheerful little flowers, and you can make wishes on them (make a wish and blow the seeds). 🙂 Those two ARE perfect. I can see why they made you stop. Great images.

  3. My yard is full of dandelions. Many people pull them out, but I let them thrive. Never tried to eat the leaves, though. Hmmm… Maybe I should give that a try!

  4. Dandelions, so much fun as a kid holding the yellow flowers under someone’s chin to see if they like butter, and blowing the clocks to make a wish. I will be trying them in a salad, and as a vege, which I think will be a solo meal, and I have noted your instructions to Madhu 🙂

    • have fun elladee …. sorry no time to visit blogs for a while …. but maybe in the airport??? i usually pick an attractive looking leaf and tear it up in the salad …. nothing fancy 🙂

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