Kimberley Close-ups

Ailsa has asked for close ups this week. Here are a few from our Kimberley trip, almost a year ago. First some creatures!

and then some flowers ….

The colours of the Kimberley are distinctive, desert shades. This is fragile ancient country, flooded in the Wet and baking in the Dry, yet home to an extraordinary variety of living things, many of them still surviving the destruction of the land by cattle. It was in an area where cattle had been removed 11 years earlier that we saw the original richness and beauty of the land … Mornington Wilderness Sanctuary.

16 thoughts on “Kimberley Close-ups

  1. It’s an amazing habitat, isn’t it? I’m in awe of you being able to capture so many birds close up – especially that exquisite purple crowned wren – what an enchanting creature! 🙂

    • you can guess who else loves that womanly shape … he drew and painted quite a few boab trees … you know they came to us from Africa … via the first wave of migration about 25,000 years ago … those people seem to have died out then the second wave arrived, our indigenous people …

      On Sat, May 3, 2014 at 4:28 PM, dadirridreaming wrote:


  2. I think the Kimberly is such a special place. Would love to go back there again but your photos are a great compensation for the real thing

  3. I too like the boab tree amongst many others; such an unlikely shape for a tree. I like to think its an art project gone wrong, or some tipsy persons idea for fancy dress. Thanks for the post

  4. I have never seen a blab tree, even in photos, and I think I’m in love! 🙂 These are fantastic photos of the most interesting array of birds, plants and trees, Christine. What an incredibly rich landscape. I’m so glad I didn’t miss this post.

  5. Nice shot of the wren. My experience of wrens is that of shy birds that hide in the grass and can’t sit still. Mind you, I’d probably behave the same way if I were that small and shaped like an exclamation mark.

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