Birds on a Wire

Yesterday I walked north on the Dreaming Track, instead of south. Where the track leads through bushland climbing up to the Meringo headland I watched Rainbow Lorikeets screeching through the banksias, going my way. The noise of their calling increased, until I reached the headland and saw them sitting on two electrical wires. A flurry of birds came and went, others clustered along the guttering of a house, and climbed about the verandah posts.

I took some photos and walked on, all the way to the lagoon and back, when to my surprise the birds had gone, yet I could still hear them. Suddenly I realised they were at a feeder! When I walked past the tall fence, I could see them perfectly. They must know the timetable well, since they had crowded and jostled on the wires and the house front to be in the best position when their dinner was provided.

43 thoughts on “Birds on a Wire

    • perfect timing, quite by chance … low western sunlight, birds waiting to be fed … not flying away even though i came quite close … too good to be true!

    • yes amy, they are all around us here in the bushland, such noisy birds i can hear them now as i type, shrieking to each other as they fly from tree to tree feeding on nectar … very difficult to photograph so i was thrilled to find them down low on the wire and the feeder!

  1. Fantastic photos. The individual portraits have really caught their character but the group shot I laughed at because to me they just look like a big noisy colourful feathered wreath or table decoration… can you imagine! 🙂

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